Art Curator : SUJAT KUMAR
Artist : NA
Art Category : ABSTRACT ART
Dimensions : 28"X22"
instead of changing others, better we change ourselves. everybody should take this pledge and try to change own. i would try to change those things, which are not allowed by my heart and mind, but still i do sometimes. this would be my first step towards this movement. definitely we can build a safer world. a prosperous world is a positive hope that can change our lives. lots of people think positively, but they do not put their thoughts to use in practical. we all can expect a prosperous and equitable world, if we start doing positive things which we think. the best way to start is to start doing those things by yourself within your close circle, as you know charity begins at home. - See more at: http://www.artecion.com/?p=dashboard&sec=5#sthash.oXvkNHdW.dpuf
Medium : ACRYLIC
Surface : NA
Artform : NA
Texture : NA
Shape : NA
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